A man named Spider...?
I didn't get to read the entire novel but it started off normal and now I'm at a part were nothing is making sense to me. A pretty quick recap, there is a guy who had his father die, the guys name is "Fat Charlie", not his real name but thats his nickname. Turns out this "Fat Charlie" is some reincarnation of a spider god but doesn't have any powers because his brother has them. Well that must suck to be a god and have no powers, and not even that "good" of a god. I'm not sure what powers a spider god might have except powers that are similar to Spiderman. Which actually now that I think about it might be pretty awesome.
Anyways Fat Charlie ends up whispering to a spider and ask for his brother to show up and then the next morning he does. This is were things started to get weird because they get super drunk and then Fat Charlies brother who's name is "Spider" ( shocking ) ends up finding out all these things like embezzlement at the company he works at and sleeps with his brothers fiance. Not all in the same night but over the course of what I was reading. And thats were I left off.
I didn't know what to expect when I started this novel, and then it started off somewhat normal and my first impression was" oh well that sucks that this guys father died singing to some girl in a karaoke bar ". Then he's really depressed and BAM, you're a spider god. First off thats an odd choice of a god to be, as the author I don't know if I would've picked a "Spider God", maybe this lead to the creepiness because most people hate spiders. I found myself wondering how the Fat Charlie took that news the first time he heard it. I know I would've called someone crazy but still would've been tempted to try it out. It's not everyday you get the powers of a god, even if it is a spider; maybe I'm like Spiderman now which is awesome because spiders have amazing strength.