Saturday, January 12, 2013

Frankenstein Monster!

Is he human.....well he's actually parts of several

   I've read Frankenstein a couple of times before by different authors, I love this story. Its not just about a mad scientist and his creation the Frankenstein monster all the while chaos follows the doctor where ever he goes. I think this story is about point of view, understanding and not to read a book by its cover (no pun intended). 

  There's two main perspectives in this story, Dr. Frankenstein and the Frankenstein monster. The most misunderstood of the two would have to be the Frankenstein monster, so I would like to focus on him more. People just saw him as this creature, this abomination walking the earth who would if given the chance, rip you limb from limb. But he was 
essentially a new born from the moment he was created, did Victor know this? Highly doubt he did because he abandoned the monster, which only confused the monster more who just wanted the attention and affection from his creator. So its safe to say that this got under the monsters skin, along with the fact that he tried to become apart of human culture and was cast out, then he realizes his grotesque appearance. Now I don't know this for a fact but if Victor wouldn't have abandoned him, this probably could've been avoided. The monster begins to take his anger out on Victor by killing those close to him because this was the only person he had a connection with in this world and now his creator death is the only thing that will bring him satisfaction. The overview of the Frankenstein monster, he was misunderstood and came off as a frightening creature, which wasn't his fault. He didn't know any better, his creator and society had turned his compassion into remorseful revenge.

This is more than just a horror story, and like all good stories, I felt like I could connect with some of the characters at different points throughout my readings. Which is what a good book should be able to do, it adds another level of connectivity between the writing and reader. 

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